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To Continue to See the Glory of God

To Continue to See the Glory of God

   What a blessing to be able to share the most exciting time of the Christian calendar with brothers and sisters in the Lord Jesus Christ at Crescent Hill! Resurrection Sunday was a great blessing and I want to thank everyone who helped in anyway as well as those who were faithful in their attendance and support!
   As you are well-aware, the excitement did not end with Jesus’ resurrection. It continued on into the days following by way of Jesus personally appearing before many disciples and demonstrating His glorified body and preparing them for His departure from earth. Included in this time were His instructions for His people to make disciples of all nations and to remain faithful to the Gospel no matter what circumstances life would bring. Jesus had spoken of His church in Matthew chapter 16 and promised that the very gates of Hell would not prevail against the force of God’s power to save, yet so often we see believers afraid of speaking the truth of the Gospel and instead they walk away in fear.
   I understand the fear of rejection. I have been rejected in one way or another many more times in life than I can remember, but if God has placed someone in my life that needs to hear about Jesus, it more than safe to assume that God wants me to share Jesus with them. The day of assuming that someone has knowledge of God or salvation is long gone. A few months ago my youngest daughter Fayth was looking through her book bag while at school and a young lady who was standing nearby noticed Fayth’s Bible and asked her, “What kind of book is that?” This young lady grew up in North Carolina and was attending Appalachian State in North Carolina and has never seen a Bible or heard the name Jesus. As Fayth begin to speak with her the young girl became overwhelmed as you might expect and she had many questions. There is no doubt that God orchestrated this meeting with His plan for this young lady. We are praying that she will make a decision to follow Christ.

   I don’t consider this kind of interaction rare, but I do believe that it is possible that we often miss them for one reason or another. If I had to guess I would accuse “busy-ness” as the main culprit of our missing God’s intentional path crossings. It is for this reason that I have challenged myself and that I challenge each one of us to find a way to slow down during our days. Take time to have conversations. Take time to listen. Take time to ask questions. Take time to care. Take time to pray. Take time to share hope. Take more time to pray. Life is not chance and neither are the events of each day. We walk the paths on which God leads and it is high time for us to engage with the path along our journey and not just look ahead towards the end of the path traveling as quickly as possible along the way. Expect God to work in and through you as you live this life He has given to you and remember that Jesus promised that we would see the glory of God if we just believed (John 11:40).


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